Tag: Resonator Networks

How to implement visual odometry with neuromorphic resonator networks?

Alpha Renner, Lazar Supic, Andreea Danielescu, Giacomo Indiveri, E. Paxon Frady, Friedrich T. Sommer & Yulia Sandamirskaya. Visual odometry with neuromorphic resonator networks. Nature Machine Intelligence, 6, 653–663 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42256-024-00846-2

“Visual odometry (VO) is a method used to …

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How to implement neuromorphic visual scene understanding with resonator networks?

Alpha Renner, Lazar Supic, Andreea Danielescu, Giacomo Indiveri, Bruno A. Olshausen, Yulia Sandamirskaya, Friedrich T. Sommer & E. Paxon Frady. Neuromorphic visual scene understanding with resonator networks. Nature Machine Intelligence, 6, 641–652 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42256-024-00848-0

“Analysing a visual scene …

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How to build a neuromorphic visual odometry for robotic tasks with strict low-latency, -memory, and -energy requirements?

Alpha Renner, Lazar Supic, Andreea Danielescu, Giacomo Indiveri, E. Paxon Frady, Friedrich T. Sommer, Yulia Sandamirskaya. Neuromorphic Visual Odometry with Resonator Networks. arXiv:2209.02000 [cs.RO], 2022. 


“Autonomous agents require self-localization to navigate in unknown environments. They can use Visual …

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