Category: Neuromorphic Application

How to implement neuromorphic visual scene understanding with resonator networks?

Alpha Renner, Lazar Supic, Andreea Danielescu, Giacomo Indiveri, Bruno A. Olshausen, Yulia Sandamirskaya, Friedrich T. Sommer & E. Paxon Frady. Neuromorphic visual scene understanding with resonator networks. Nature Machine Intelligence, 6, 641–652 (2024).

“Analysing a visual scene …

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How to implement fully neuromorphic vision and control for autonomous drone flight?

F. Paredes-Vallés, J. J. Hagenaars, J. Dupeyroux, S. Stroobants, Y. Xu, G. C. H. E. de Croon. Fully neuromorphic vision and control for autonomous drone flight. Science Robotics, 9, eadi0591(2024). DOI:10.1126/scirobotics.adi0591

Editor’s summary
“Despite the ability of visual processing …

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How to enable robots to avoid obstacles with ease inspired by insect brains?

Schoepe, T., Janotte, E., Milde, M.B. et al. Finding the gap: neuromorphic motion-vision in dense environments. Nat Commun 15, 817 (2024).

“Animals have evolved mechanisms to travel safely and efficiently within different habitats. On a journey in

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How to build biomimetic olfactory chips based on large-scale monolithically integrated nanotube sensor arrays?

Wang, C., Chen, Z., Chan, C.L.J. et al. Biomimetic olfactory chips based on large-scale monolithically integrated nanotube sensor arrays. Nat Electron (2024).

“Human olfactory sensors have a large variety of receptor cells that generate signature responses to …

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How to control a simulated 7-DOF arm using a fully spiking neural network running on Intel’s Loihi chip?

Travis DeWolf, Kinjal Patel, Pawel Jaworski, Roxana Leontie, Joseph Hays and Chris Eliasmith. Neuromorphic control of a simulated 7-DOF arm using Loihi. Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering, 2023. 

“In this paper, we present a fully spiking neural network running

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How to implement autonomous localization, navigation, and control of UAVs using fully spiking neural networks?

B. Komer, P. Jaworski, S. Harbour, C. Eliasmith and T. DeWolf, “BatSLAM: Neuromorphic Spatial Reasoning in 3D Environments,” 2022 IEEE/AIAA 41st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2022, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/DASC55683.2022.9925773.

“Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) need more …

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How to detect lane using spiking neural network on Loihi neuromorphic processor?

Alberto Viale, Alberto Marchisio, Maurizio Martina, Guido Masera, Muhammad Shafique. LaneSNNs: Spiking Neural Networks for Lane Detection on the Loihi Neuromorphic Processor. arXiv:2208.02253 [cs.NE], 2022. 


“Autonomous Driving (AD) related features represent important elements for the next generation of …

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How to implement a neuromorphic vision-based measurement for robust relative localization in future space exploration missions?

Mohammed Salah, Mohammed Chehadah, Muhammed Humais, Mohammed Wahbah, Abdulla Ayyad, Rana Azzam, Lakmal Senevirante, Yahya Zweiri. A Neuromorphic Vision-Based Measurement for Robust Relative Localization in Future Space Exploration Missions. 2022, arXiv:2206.11541 [cs.CV]


“Space exploration has witnessed revolutionary changes …

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What’s the roadmap on neuromorphic devices & applications research in China?

Qing Wan, Changjin Wan, Huaqiang Wu, Yuchao Yang, Xiaohe Huang, Peng Zhou, Lin Chen, Tian-Yu Wang, Yi Li, Kanhao Xue, Yuhui He, Xiangshui Miao, Xi Li, Chenchen Xie, Houpeng Chen, Z. T. Song, Hong Wang, Yue Hao, Junyao Zhang, Jia …

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How to implement neuromorphic object localization using resistive memories and ultrasonic transducers?

Filippo Moro, Emmanuel Hardy, Bruno Fain, Thomas Dalgaty, Paul Clémençon, Alessio De Prà, Eduardo Esmanhotto, Niccolò Castellani, François Blard, François Gardien, Thomas Mesquida, François Rummens, David Esseni, Jérôme Casas, Giacomo Indiveri, Melika Payvand & Elisa Vianello. Neuromorphic object localization using

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