Tag: Neuromorphic Control

How to implement fully neuromorphic vision and control for autonomous drone flight?

F. Paredes-Vallés, J. J. Hagenaars, J. Dupeyroux, S. Stroobants, Y. Xu, G. C. H. E. de Croon. Fully neuromorphic vision and control for autonomous drone flight. Science Robotics, 9, eadi0591(2024). DOI:10.1126/scirobotics.adi0591

Editor’s summary
“Despite the ability of visual processing …

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How to control a simulated 7-DOF arm using a fully spiking neural network running on Intel’s Loihi chip?

Travis DeWolf, Kinjal Patel, Pawel Jaworski, Roxana Leontie, Joseph Hays and Chris Eliasmith. Neuromorphic control of a simulated 7-DOF arm using Loihi. Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering, 2023. 

“In this paper, we present a fully spiking neural network running

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