Tag: Neuromorphic Computing

How to enable robotics with neuromorphic computing hardware and neural architectures?

Yulia Sandamirskaya and Mohsen Kaboli and Jorg Conradt and Tansu Celikel. Neuromorphic computing hardware and neural architectures for robotics. Science Robotics. 2022, 7(67). DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.abl8419

Neuromorphic hardware enables fast and power-efficient neural network–based artificial intelligence that is

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How to enable brain-inspired robots with neuromorphic chips?

Songchen Ma and Jing Pei and Weihao Zhang and Guanrui Wang and Dahu Feng and Fangwen Yu and Chenhang Song and Huanyu Qu and Cheng Ma and Mingsheng Lu and Faqiang Liu and Wenhao Zhou and Yujie Wu and Yihan …

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How to realize the potential of neuromorphic systems?

Mehonic, A., Kenyon, A.J. Brain-inspired computing needs a master plan. Nature 604, 255–260 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-04362-w

“New computing technologies inspired by the brain promise fundamentally different ways to process information with extreme energy efficiency and the ability to handle

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What are opportunities for neuromorphic computing algorithms and applications?

Neuromorphic computing technologies will be important for the future of computing, but much of the work in neuromorphic computing has focused on hardware development. Here, we review recent results in neuromorphic computing algorithms and applications. We …

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What’s the roadmap on neuromorphic computing and engineering


“Modern computation based on the von Neumann architecture is today a mature cutting-edge science. In the Von Neumann architecture, processing and memory units are implemented as separate blocks interchanging data intensively and continuously. This data transfer is responsible for

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Why endowing robots with neuromorphic technologies

Bartolozzi, Chiara, Giacomo Indiveri, and Elisa Donati. “Embodied neuromorphic intelligence.” Nature Communications 13, no. 1 (2022): 1-14.

“The design of robots that interact autonomously with the environment and exhibit complex behaviours is an open challenge that can …

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