Category: Neuromorphic Robotics

How to build brain-based devices for the study of nervous systems and the development of intelligent machines?

Krichmar, Jeffrey L, and Gerald M Edelman. “Brain-based devices for the study of nervous systems and the development of intelligent machines.” Artificial life vol. 11,1-2 (2005): 63-77. doi:10.1162/1064546053278946

The simultaneous study of brain function at all levels of

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How to build a neuromorphic visual odometry for robotic tasks with strict low-latency, -memory, and -energy requirements?

Alpha Renner, Lazar Supic, Andreea Danielescu, Giacomo Indiveri, E. Paxon Frady, Friedrich T. Sommer, Yulia Sandamirskaya. Neuromorphic Visual Odometry with Resonator Networks. arXiv:2209.02000 [cs.RO], 2022. 


“Autonomous agents require self-localization to navigate in unknown environments. They can use Visual …

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How to detect lane using spiking neural network on Loihi neuromorphic processor?

Alberto Viale, Alberto Marchisio, Maurizio Martina, Guido Masera, Muhammad Shafique. LaneSNNs: Spiking Neural Networks for Lane Detection on the Loihi Neuromorphic Processor. arXiv:2208.02253 [cs.NE], 2022. 


“Autonomous Driving (AD) related features represent important elements for the next generation of …

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How to enable robotics with neuromorphic computing hardware and neural architectures?

Yulia Sandamirskaya and Mohsen Kaboli and Jorg Conradt and Tansu Celikel. Neuromorphic computing hardware and neural architectures for robotics. Science Robotics. 2022, 7(67). DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.abl8419

Neuromorphic hardware enables fast and power-efficient neural network–based artificial intelligence that is

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How to enable brain-inspired robots with neuromorphic chips?

Songchen Ma and Jing Pei and Weihao Zhang and Guanrui Wang and Dahu Feng and Fangwen Yu and Chenhang Song and Huanyu Qu and Cheng Ma and Mingsheng Lu and Faqiang Liu and Wenhao Zhou and Yujie Wu and Yihan …

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How to build an open-source platform for neurorobotics?

Tonin Luca, Beraldo Gloria, Tortora Stefano, Menegatti Emanuele. ROS-Neuro: An Open-Source Platform for Neurorobotics. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2022, 16.

“The growing interest in neurorobotics has led to a proliferation of heterogeneous neurophysiological-based applications controlling a variety of robotic …

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What are the design principles for neurorobotics?

Jeffrey L. Krichmar  and Tiffany J. Hwu. Design Principles for Neurorobotics. Front. Neurorobot., 25 May 2022 |

“In their book “How the Body Shapes the Way We Think: A New View of Intelligence,” Pfeifer and Bongard put forth …

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What is Neurorobotics?

The conception and meaning of Neurorobotics are introduced in this chapter ( Tiffany J. Hwu and Jeffrey L. Krichmar. Neurorobotics: Neuroscience and Robots. In Cognitive Robotics, MIT Press, 2022.)

The field of neurorobotics is the subarea of Cognitive Robotics …

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How to realize the potential of neuromorphic systems?

Mehonic, A., Kenyon, A.J. Brain-inspired computing needs a master plan. Nature 604, 255–260 (2022).

“New computing technologies inspired by the brain promise fundamentally different ways to process information with extreme energy efficiency and the ability to handle

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Why endowing robots with neuromorphic technologies

Bartolozzi, Chiara, Giacomo Indiveri, and Elisa Donati. “Embodied neuromorphic intelligence.” Nature Communications 13, no. 1 (2022): 1-14.

“The design of robots that interact autonomously with the environment and exhibit complex behaviours is an open challenge that can …

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